Service Specials

We Offer Flexible Payment Options

0% Available!

When surprise service repairs come up we offer 0% flexible payment options.

Coupon Code: SUNBITT. See your advisor for details.

Expires: 02/08/2025

Pickup and Delivery Service

Complimentary Pickup and Delivery!

Now offering FREE pickup & delivery service to make serving your vehicle even more convenience.

*Call for an appointment

Cannot be combined with other coupons. Limited availability and call for an appointment. Mileage restriction apply.

Expires: 02/08/2025

Oil Change Special

Only $79.95!

Fully Synthetic Oil Change starting at $79.95 up to 5.5 Quarts

Synthetic oil changes only. Excludes Volkswagens and TRX models. See dealer for details.

Expires: 02/08/2025

100,000 Mile Club

10% OFF!

Any service repair if your vehicle has over 100,000 miles.

Coupon Code: 100K . $150.00 max discount, oil changes and tires excluded, cannot be combined with other discounts.

Expires: 02/08/2025

Mid Week Special

$25.00 Off!

Save on your next service when you schedule your service on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday!

Coupon Code: MIDWEEK. Minimum $200 total service bill, cannot be combined with other offers.

Expires: 02/08/2025